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Other kinds of sprays

In this category we offer you sprays that are not used for direct defense, but nevertheless they are very useful.

For example you can find sprays that alleviate the effects from pepper- or CS-spray and sprays to mark and indicate fleeing offenders.

In this category we offer you sprays that are not used for direct defense, but nevertheless they are very useful. For example you can find sprays that alleviate the effects from pepper- or... mehr erfahren »
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Other kinds of sprays

In this category we offer you sprays that are not used for direct defense, but nevertheless they are very useful.

For example you can find sprays that alleviate the effects from pepper- or CS-spray and sprays to mark and indicate fleeing offenders.

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Übungsspray (INERT ohne Reizstoff) - 40 ml

Sofort lieferbar

Übungsspray (INERT ohne Reizstoff) - 40 ml

• Ideal für Übungen/Training
INERT, ohne Reizstoff
• Nebel-Spray (Fog)
• 2 - 3 Meter Reichweite
9,90 €
(247,50 € / 1 l)
Reizstoff-Neutralisator, Augendusche - 235 ml

Sofort lieferbar

Reizstoff-Neutralisator, Augendusche - 235 ml

• Sterile, gepufferte isotonische Kochsalzlösung
• Effektive Linderung bei Reizstoffen
• Leichte Handhabung, schnelles Öffnen
• Handliches Taschenformat
17,99 €
(76,55 € / 1 l)
Geprüfte Sicherheit